Tools and Reports in Talent Acquisition:
Making an Impact

With over a decade’s worth of data and expertise, throughout the year we at BountyJobs publish valuable reports with the main goal of adding to the talent acquisition professional’s toolbox. We create these white papers, special reports, webinars, and infographics to support those working in this crazy era of recruiting.

The hiring landscape is ever-changing with a historically low unemployment rate that continues to fall, salaries on the rise (depending upon the role and industry), the continuation of jobs growth, and on top of it all…leaps in technology and data tracking at the ready to assist those in hiring that are spread way too thin.

As we head into the second half of 2018, we thought it an opportune time to compile the reports we’ve posted year-to-date, as an easy a la carte menu of tools to fit a multitude of challenges facing those in the talent acquisition world today. Also see our Reports and Guides section for a comprehensive home of content published in recent years. In addition, our Blogs hub houses a catalog of our weekly By the Numbers blog post; centered on bringing you the most recent impactful data and trending news in talent acquisition.

2018 Third-Party Recruiting Benchmark Report

Why It’s Important: A top cornerstone piece we publish each year, this is the most important third-party recruiting benchmark report you’ll read. Chock full of data from our expansive marketplace across major industries, this report takes a look at trends in salaries and fees as well as growing trends in talent acquisition. Check it out here.

The Art of Recruiting Passive Candidates

Why It’s Important: With the U.S. unemployment rate at 3.8%, a low not seen in decades, the ideal candidate you need for that critical role is likely already employed.  This webinar stream dives into how to snag these valuable folks before your competition does. Special guests from Bayard Advertising weigh in with their insight and best practices. Check it out here.

What’s Really Behind the Employment Skills Gap

Why It’s Important: While this topic can be divisive, one aspect that most talent acquisition pros can agree on is that many are feeling the pinch when trying to find candidates with the skills that fit their open roles. We take a look at opinions from both sides – is the skills gap real – as well as events that have led us to this point in hiring, who it affects, and what we can do about it. Check it out here.

Recruiting in the Age of the Gig Economy

Why It’s Important: For many in the recruiting space, the gig economy started out as a lamb and has quickly morphed into a lion. What was once thought about as an alternative employment option for those that were entry-level, under-educated, etc…the gig economy has proved to be a solid competitor. Turns out, the same folks many recruiters are looking at for senior-level corporate executive roles are also voluntarily choosing gig work and all the benefits that come with it. Our report outlines who these ‘giggers’ are, what benefits they value in a role, and how to lure them back into the traditional full-time workforce. Check it out here.

Cognitive Dissonance: Reports vs. Reality; What’s Really Happening in the Employment Market

Why It’s Important: Amidst all the reports of a healthy economy, jobs growth and salaries on the rise, we had a hunch that there was more to the story. Between our detailed marketplace data and conversations we’ve had with others in the talent acquisition space, we discovered some eye-opening happenings that were not being widely reported. We detail these findings here, with accompanying best practices. Check it out here.

Top 3 Strategies to Win in Recruiting with Less Resources

Why It’s Important: There are now more open roles in the U.S. then there are of those unemployed. With the increase in open roles comes a longer list of ‘to-dos’ for those in talent acquisition. Most organizations are not increasing their recruiter headcount, and some are leaning completely on their hiring managers. What do to? Never fear, our report outlines additional recruiting strategies to implement, technology options that leverage time-saving tools, and unique ways to ensure the competition stays far behind. Check it out here.

Recruiting Pros Reveal Top Data Points and Challenges for 2018

Why It’s Important: We all know by now that data is king – decisions need to be made based on it, budgets are dictated by it, and priorities are ruled by it. For some, utilizing data points for a more productive hiring landscape is exciting yet overwhelming. This report lays out the top 5 recruiting data points to track, the 3 key themes in analytics to pay attention to, and the top 5 challenges folks find themselves running into when tracking metrics…as well as corresponding solutions. Check it out here.

Redefine Your Sourcing Strategy for Millennials and Gen Z

Why It’s Important: Each day, more Baby Boomers are retiring…and more Millennials and Gen Z’ers are moving into the workforce scene. These valuable groups are shaking up the talent landscape with new ideals, alternative communication styles, and a fresh take on the impact each of us can have on our world through the jobs we perform. This webinar stream, with special guests from Namely, discusses not only how to attract this unique group of potential hires but also best practices for employers to consider when updating their brand, tools to leverage when attracting new talent, and what really matters when formulating a competitive strategy aimed at this younger group. Check it out here.

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