Majority of U.S. Workers Considering New Jobs Due to Inflation

U.S. jobless claims haven’t been this low since September 1968 – for the week ending April 2, initial jobless claims fell to 166,000 (a decrease of 5,000). Over half (66%) of workers in the U.S. are considering a job change in order to keep up with inflation. Requests to work remotely are increasing as gas

Jobs Recovery in the U.S. Moving on to a New Phase

An encouraging 431,000 jobs were added to the U.S. economy in March - shy of forecasts but a strong indicator of recovery nevertheless. The unemployment hit 3.6%, down from 3.8% in February and a 'pandemic-era low'. There is now a 1.6 million job difference between the economy now and that of February 2020, before the

Learning & Development Budget Increase to Continue

Global companies continue to work toward gender equality – 18 out of 3,895 participating in a recent survey say they qualify as gender balanced…that’s up from 10 last year. Pay parity, parental leave policies, and the number of female executives are some of the criteria considered. Women still make up less than 50% of the

See Ya, Tech Hubs: ‘Zoom Towns’ On the Rise

Workers within the ‘Great Resignation’ or ‘Great Reshuffling’ who quit their jobs last year cite low pay, no advancement opportunities, and feeling disrespected in the office as the top reasons for leaving. Around 31% of those that left their jobs noted they did so due to coronavirus impacts such as childcare challenges. The lowest jobless

Employees Moving on to New Opportunities Find Lucrative Pay

When the Gen Z demo job hunts, the top two factors they consider when looking at a job opportunity are ‘increased learning opportunities and training. The option to learn new skills and to practice these new skills holds a lot of weight during the job search process. On the other hand, Baby Boomers ranked values

Median Cost Per Job Posting Increased by 43%

Jobs growth sped up in February 2022 with the most jobs added to the U.S. economy since July 2021. In Feb, 678,000 jobs were added, ahead of economists' forecasts. The unemployment rate fell from 4% in January to 3.8%. On March 1, President Biden discussed workforce issues and inflation as part of this State of

Investment Banks Increasing Entry Level Pay to $100K+

In-demand positions in critical industries demand rising salaries, especially for midlevel employees within manufacturing and logistics. Roles including CNC programmers, molders, plant managers, and logistics managers are especially impacted with significant increases in salary. Investment banks in particular are offering higher salaries. For example, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs increased their annual first-year pay to

40% of Senior Managers: Candidate Ghosting Increasingly More Common

Over 30% (34.5% to be exact) of private-sector employers increased remote work due to impacts felt from the pandemic. That climbed to over half for industries such as business services, financial activities, educational services and the information industry. Changes to compensation and benefits also felt a big stir with almost 15% private-sector employers raising base

Staffing Becomes Top Concern for Hospital CEOs

In 2021, labor shortages were the biggest obstacle hitting hospital CEOs. This marks the first time since 2004 that financial challenges fell from being the #1 challenge. More than half, 63%, of employees have reported a lack of pay transparency from employers, according to a recent survey.  On top of that, workers aren’t comfortable asking

C-Suite Execs List Their Top Concerns for 2022

Almost half (48%) of C-suite execs list ‘identifying talent acquisition and retention challenges’ as the top concern in 2022.  Next up are ‘supply chain disruptions and vulnerabilities’ (32%), and ‘new COVID-19 variants (29%).  Hiring and retaining talent is a huge driver of growth this year per 77% of execs. ‘Identifying digital transformation initiatives’ and ‘identifying

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