Top 10 Reasons Why Recruiting Through the Holidays WINS

Think the holiday season is when you should put on the hiring breaks? Think again! Planned strategically, this time of year can take your talent acquisition goals leaps and bounds past your original plan of attack. Stick with us kid, and you’ll go places…even when hiring for talent during the so-called ‘holiday slump’.

  1. Getting Social

    • Prospects are tied to their phones even more as they are out and about shopping or attending holiday events. The chance that they will see your social media outreach or phone call…and reply, increases.
  2. Slow Schedules

    • Within many organizations, projects are put on hold or slowdown during the holidays. Due to this, your ideal candidates may have more time to take a look at your opportunity.
  3. Reflection Time

    • At the end of the year many people take time to reflect on year’s past and what’s to come for the new year. Prospects are looking ahead and setting career goals, with many having a chance at a new opportunity high on their radar.
  4. What Competition?

    • As some organizations have either run out of budget or are running on fumes due to mismanagement or dealing with unforeseen budgetary circumstances, they will need to wait until the new year to get back into the recruiting game. Their loss is your gain.
  5. Time to Analyze

    • You’ll have time to really dig in to the deluge of resumes you have received and identify ideal candidates you may have overlooked before due to being rushed.
  6. College Grads

    • College students are home for the holidays – connect with them regarding roles once they graduate in the spring. Also, many graduate in December and might be looking for an opportunity sooner rather than later.
  7. Q1 is Now

    • Continue your jump start on Q1 openings as budgets for 2020 are finalized approved headcount is known.
  8. Raining Referrals

    • Connect with your network regarding referrals for roles you may be working on, or flesh out your pipeline so you are ahead of the game once 2020 roles open.
  9. Holiday Cheer

    • Cultivate candidate relationships by sending warm holiday greetings or invites to events you are hosting, where appropriate.
  10. Just Another Tuesday

    • Many don’t celebrate during the holiday season due to cultural differences or otherwise, so it’s business as usual for them.

So there you have it, in quick and dirty form, why you must take advantage of this time of year to fulfill your talent acquisition goals. This is not a time to sit back and wait for productivity to magically being again in the new year. Remember the mission and ambition you had at the beginning of the year and apply it now to finish 2019 strong! To help you on your way, check out our guides to everything hiring, from recruiting for jobs of the future (hint: those jobs are here now!) to hiring millennials, to sourcing hacks and an insider’s look at wage growth and other talent acquisition hot topics, we cover it all!

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